Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
MIPALawDecoderAn a-law decoder
MIPALawEncoderAn a-law encoder
MIPAlsaOutputAn Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) soundcard output component
MIPAudio3DBaseBase class for 3D audio components
MIPAudioDistanceFadeA simple 3D audio component which only takes the distance between participants into account
MIPAudioFileInputA sound file input component
MIPAudioFilterRemoves a frequency range from raw floating point audio
MIPAudioMessageBase class for encoded and raw audio messages
MIPAudioMixerThis component can mix several audio streams
MIPAudioRecorderInputA component which uses the AudioRecord class available on the Android platform to capture audio
MIPAudioSessionCreates a VoIP session
MIPAudioSessionParamsParameters for an audio session
MIPAudioSplitterSplit incoming raw audio messages into smaller messages
MIPAudioTrackOutputComponent which uses the AudioTrack class available on the Android platform to play back audio
MIPAVCodecDecoderThis component is a libavcodec based H.263+ decoder
MIPAVCodecEncoderA libavcodec based H.263+ encoder
MIPAVCodecFrameConverterConvert video frames to a desired width, height and format using libavcodec
MIPAverageTimerA simple timing component
MIPComponentBase class of a component which can be placed in a component chain
MIPComponentAliasThis class provides a wrapper around another component, essentially providing a different pointer to the same object
MIPComponentChainA chain of components
MIPDirectoryBrowserAn object of this type can be used to get the file names in a specific directory
MIPEncodedAudioMessageContainer for encoded audio data
MIPEncodedVideoMessageContainer for encoded video data
MIPErrorBaseThis class provides the error description functions for other classes
MIPEsdOutputAn Enlightened Sound Daemon (ESD) soundcard output component
MIPFeedbackMessage passed through a feedback chain
MIPFrequencyGeneratorGenerates sound with specific frequencies
MIPGSMDecoderDecodes messages which contain GSM 06.10 encoded data
MIPGSMEncoderCompress audio using the GSM 06.10 codec
MIPHRIRBaseBase class for HRIR based 3D audio components
MIPHRIRListenCreates 3D sound based on HRIR info from the LISTEN project
MIPInterChainTimerComponent which generates a MIPSYSTEMMESSAGE_TYPE_ISTIME system message when data has been supplied to it from another chain
MIPJackInputA Jack audio input component
MIPJackOutputA Jack audio connection kit output component
MIPLPCDecoderDecodes messages which contain LPC encoded data
MIPLPCEncoderCompress audio using the LPC codec
MIPMediaBufferHolds incoming messages until they're needed by a mixer further on in the chain
MIPMediaMessageBase class for media messages (like audio and video)
MIPMessageBase class of messages passed in a MIPComponentChain instance
MIPMessageDumperOutputs information about the incoming messages
MIPOpenALOutputAn OpenAL audio output component
MIPOSSInputOutputAn Open Sound System (OSS) input and output component
MIPOSSInputOutputParamsParameters for a MIPOSSInputOutput instance
MIPPAInputOutputA PortAudio input and output component
MIPPushEventTimerComponent which generates a MIPSYSTEMMESSAGE_ISTIME system message when data has been supplied to it during this iteration
MIPQtOutputA Qt-based video output component
MIPRaw16bitAudioMessageContainer for sixteen-bit raw audio data
MIPRawFloatAudioMessageContainer for floating point raw audio data
MIPRawRGBVideoMessageContainer for an RGB encoded raw video frame
MIPRawU8AudioMessageContainer for unsigned eight-bit raw audio data
MIPRawYUV420PVideoMessageContainer for an YUV420P encoded raw video frame
MIPRawYUYVVideoMessageContainer for an YUYV encoded raw video frame
MIPRTPALawDecoderDecodes incoming RTP data into U-law encoded messages
MIPRTPALawEncoderCreates RTP packets for A-law encoded audio packets
MIPRTPComponentAn RTP transmission component which uses an RTPSession object (from the JRTPLIB library)
MIPRTPDecoderA base class for RTP decoding objects
MIPRTPDummyDecoderDummy RTP packet decoder
MIPRTPEncoderBase class for RTP encoders
MIPRTPGSMDecoderDecodes incoming RTP data into GSM encoded messages
MIPRTPGSMEncoderCreates RTP packets for GSM compressed audio packets
MIPRTPH263DecoderThis class decodes incoming RTP data into H.263 video messages
MIPRTPH263EncoderCreates RTP packets for incoming video packets in H.263 encoded format
MIPRTPL16DecoderDecodes incoming RTP data into 16 bit signed big endian messages of a specific sampling rate
MIPRTPL16EncoderCreates RTP packets for 16 bit signed big endian encoded audio packets
MIPRTPLPCDecoderDecodes incoming RTP data into LPC encoded messages
MIPRTPLPCEncoderCreates RTP packets for LPC compressed audio packets
MIPRTPPacketDecoderAbstract base class for RTP packet decoders for a specific kind of payload
MIPRTPPacketGrouperA helper class to help restore data if it had to be split across several RTP packets
MIPRTPReceiveMessageIn this message, data received using the RTP protocol can be stored
MIPRTPSendMessageThis message describes data to be sent using RTP
MIPRTPSILKDecoderThis class decodes incoming RTP data into SILK messages
MIPRTPSILKEncoderCreates RTP packets for SILK compressed audio packets
MIPRTPSpeexDecoderThis class decodes incoming RTP data into Speex messages
MIPRTPSpeexEncoderCreates RTP packets for Speex compressed audio packets
MIPRTPSynchronizerAn object of this type can be used to synchronize several RTP streams from the same source
MIPRTPULawDecoderDecodes incoming RTP data into U-law encoded messages
MIPRTPULawEncoderCreates RTP packets for U-law encoded audio packets
MIPRTPVideoDecoderThis class decodes incoming RTP data into video messages
MIPRTPVideoEncoderCreates RTP packets for incoming video packets
MIPSampleEncoderChanges the sample encoding of raw audio messages
MIPSamplingRateConverterConverts sampling rate and number of channels of raw audio messages
MIPSDLAudioOutputAn SDL audio output component
MIPSignalWaiterObjects of this type can be used to send signals between threads
MIPSILKDecoderDecodes messages which contain SILK encoded data
MIPSILKEncoderCompress audio using the Skype SILK codec
MIPSndFileInputA sound file input component
MIPSndFileOutputA sound file output component
MIPSpeexDecoderDecodes messages which contain Speex encoded data
MIPSpeexEchoCancellerAn echo cancellation component based on the Speex echo cancellation routines
MIPSpeexEncoderCompress audio using the Speex codec
MIPSpeexUtilAn instance of this class can be used to analyse Speex data
MIPStreamBufferThis class represents a thread-safe buffer to which data can be written and from which the same data can be read again, making it well suited to safely pass data between threads
MIPSystemMessageA system message
MIPTimeThis class is used for timing purposes
MIPTinyJPEGDecoderA JPEG decoder based on the Tiny JPEG Decoder library
MIPULawDecoderAn u-law decoder
MIPULawEncoderAn u-law encoder
MIPV4L2InputThis class describes a Video4Linux2 based input component
MIPV4LInputThis class is a base class for video4linux based video input
MIPV4LInputParametersBase class for video4linux input component parameters
MIPVersionVersion information about the library
MIPVideoFrameStorageA video frame storage component
MIPVideoMessageBase class for encoded and raw video messages
MIPVideoMixerThis component creates video output streams
MIPVideoSessionCreates a video over IP session
MIPVideoSessionParamsParameters for a video session
MIPWAVInputA sound file input component
MIPWAVOutputA sound file output component
MIPWAVReaderThis is a simple WAV file reader
MIPWAVWriterThis is a simple WAV file writer (8 bit, mono)
MIPWinMMInputWin32/WinCE Soundcard input component
MIPWinMMOutputWin32/WinCE Soundcard output component
MIPYUV420FileInputRead uncompressed YUV420P frames from a file
MIPYUV420FrameCutterExtracts a part of an YUV420P frame