MIPALawDecoder | An a-law decoder |
MIPALawEncoder | An a-law encoder |
MIPAlsaOutput | An Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) soundcard output component |
MIPAudio3DBase | Base class for 3D audio components |
MIPAudioDistanceFade | A simple 3D audio component which only takes the distance between participants into account |
MIPAudioFileInput | A sound file input component |
MIPAudioFilter | Removes a frequency range from raw floating point audio |
MIPAudioMessage | Base class for encoded and raw audio messages |
MIPAudioMixer | This component can mix several audio streams |
MIPAudioRecorderInput | A component which uses the AudioRecord class available on the Android platform to capture audio |
MIPAudioSession | Creates a VoIP session |
MIPAudioSessionParams | Parameters for an audio session |
MIPAudioSplitter | Split incoming raw audio messages into smaller messages |
MIPAudioTrackOutput | Component which uses the AudioTrack class available on the Android platform to play back audio |
MIPAVCodecDecoder | This component is a libavcodec based H.263+ decoder |
MIPAVCodecEncoder | A libavcodec based H.263+ encoder |
MIPAVCodecFrameConverter | Convert video frames to a desired width, height and format using libavcodec |
MIPAverageTimer | A simple timing component |
MIPComponent | Base class of a component which can be placed in a component chain |
MIPComponentAlias | This class provides a wrapper around another component, essentially providing a different pointer to the same object |
MIPComponentChain | A chain of components |
MIPDirectoryBrowser | An object of this type can be used to get the file names in a specific directory |
MIPEncodedAudioMessage | Container for encoded audio data |
MIPEncodedVideoMessage | Container for encoded video data |
MIPErrorBase | This class provides the error description functions for other classes |
MIPEsdOutput | An Enlightened Sound Daemon (ESD) soundcard output component |
MIPFeedback | Message passed through a feedback chain |
MIPFrequencyGenerator | Generates sound with specific frequencies |
MIPGSMDecoder | Decodes messages which contain GSM 06.10 encoded data |
MIPGSMEncoder | Compress audio using the GSM 06.10 codec |
MIPHRIRBase | Base class for HRIR based 3D audio components |
MIPHRIRListen | Creates 3D sound based on HRIR info from the LISTEN project |
MIPInterChainTimer | Component which generates a MIPSYSTEMMESSAGE_TYPE_ISTIME system message when data has been supplied to it from another chain |
MIPJackInput | A Jack audio input component |
MIPJackOutput | A Jack audio connection kit output component |
MIPLPCDecoder | Decodes messages which contain LPC encoded data |
MIPLPCEncoder | Compress audio using the LPC codec |
MIPMediaBuffer | Holds incoming messages until they're needed by a mixer further on in the chain |
MIPMediaMessage | Base class for media messages (like audio and video) |
MIPMessage | Base class of messages passed in a MIPComponentChain instance |
MIPMessageDumper | Outputs information about the incoming messages |
MIPOpenALOutput | An OpenAL audio output component |
MIPOSSInputOutput | An Open Sound System (OSS) input and output component |
MIPOSSInputOutputParams | Parameters for a MIPOSSInputOutput instance |
MIPPAInputOutput | A PortAudio input and output component |
MIPPushEventTimer | Component which generates a MIPSYSTEMMESSAGE_ISTIME system message when data has been supplied to it during this iteration |
MIPQtOutput | A Qt-based video output component |
MIPRaw16bitAudioMessage | Container for sixteen-bit raw audio data |
MIPRawFloatAudioMessage | Container for floating point raw audio data |
MIPRawRGBVideoMessage | Container for an RGB encoded raw video frame |
MIPRawU8AudioMessage | Container for unsigned eight-bit raw audio data |
MIPRawYUV420PVideoMessage | Container for an YUV420P encoded raw video frame |
MIPRawYUYVVideoMessage | Container for an YUYV encoded raw video frame |
MIPRTPALawDecoder | Decodes incoming RTP data into U-law encoded messages |
MIPRTPALawEncoder | Creates RTP packets for A-law encoded audio packets |
MIPRTPComponent | An RTP transmission component which uses an RTPSession object (from the JRTPLIB library) |
MIPRTPDecoder | A base class for RTP decoding objects |
MIPRTPDummyDecoder | Dummy RTP packet decoder |
MIPRTPEncoder | Base class for RTP encoders |
MIPRTPGSMDecoder | Decodes incoming RTP data into GSM encoded messages |
MIPRTPGSMEncoder | Creates RTP packets for GSM compressed audio packets |
MIPRTPH263Decoder | This class decodes incoming RTP data into H.263 video messages |
MIPRTPH263Encoder | Creates RTP packets for incoming video packets in H.263 encoded format |
MIPRTPL16Decoder | Decodes incoming RTP data into 16 bit signed big endian messages of a specific sampling rate |
MIPRTPL16Encoder | Creates RTP packets for 16 bit signed big endian encoded audio packets |
MIPRTPLPCDecoder | Decodes incoming RTP data into LPC encoded messages |
MIPRTPLPCEncoder | Creates RTP packets for LPC compressed audio packets |
MIPRTPPacketDecoder | Abstract base class for RTP packet decoders for a specific kind of payload |
MIPRTPPacketGrouper | A helper class to help restore data if it had to be split across several RTP packets |
MIPRTPReceiveMessage | In this message, data received using the RTP protocol can be stored |
MIPRTPSendMessage | This message describes data to be sent using RTP |
MIPRTPSILKDecoder | This class decodes incoming RTP data into SILK messages |
MIPRTPSILKEncoder | Creates RTP packets for SILK compressed audio packets |
MIPRTPSpeexDecoder | This class decodes incoming RTP data into Speex messages |
MIPRTPSpeexEncoder | Creates RTP packets for Speex compressed audio packets |
MIPRTPSynchronizer | An object of this type can be used to synchronize several RTP streams from the same source |
MIPRTPULawDecoder | Decodes incoming RTP data into U-law encoded messages |
MIPRTPULawEncoder | Creates RTP packets for U-law encoded audio packets |
MIPRTPVideoDecoder | This class decodes incoming RTP data into video messages |
MIPRTPVideoEncoder | Creates RTP packets for incoming video packets |
MIPSampleEncoder | Changes the sample encoding of raw audio messages |
MIPSamplingRateConverter | Converts sampling rate and number of channels of raw audio messages |
MIPSDLAudioOutput | An SDL audio output component |
MIPSignalWaiter | Objects of this type can be used to send signals between threads |
MIPSILKDecoder | Decodes messages which contain SILK encoded data |
MIPSILKEncoder | Compress audio using the Skype SILK codec |
MIPSndFileInput | A sound file input component |
MIPSndFileOutput | A sound file output component |
MIPSpeexDecoder | Decodes messages which contain Speex encoded data |
MIPSpeexEchoCanceller | An echo cancellation component based on the Speex echo cancellation routines |
MIPSpeexEncoder | Compress audio using the Speex codec |
MIPSpeexUtil | An instance of this class can be used to analyse Speex data |
MIPStreamBuffer | This class represents a thread-safe buffer to which data can be written and from which the same data can be read again, making it well suited to safely pass data between threads |
MIPSystemMessage | A system message |
MIPTime | This class is used for timing purposes |
MIPTinyJPEGDecoder | A JPEG decoder based on the Tiny JPEG Decoder library |
MIPULawDecoder | An u-law decoder |
MIPULawEncoder | An u-law encoder |
MIPV4L2Input | This class describes a Video4Linux2 based input component |
MIPV4LInput | This class is a base class for video4linux based video input |
MIPV4LInputParameters | Base class for video4linux input component parameters |
MIPVersion | Version information about the library |
MIPVideoFrameStorage | A video frame storage component |
MIPVideoMessage | Base class for encoded and raw video messages |
MIPVideoMixer | This component creates video output streams |
MIPVideoSession | Creates a video over IP session |
MIPVideoSessionParams | Parameters for a video session |
MIPWAVInput | A sound file input component |
MIPWAVOutput | A sound file output component |
MIPWAVReader | This is a simple WAV file reader |
MIPWAVWriter | This is a simple WAV file writer (8 bit, mono) |
MIPWinMMInput | Win32/WinCE Soundcard input component |
MIPWinMMOutput | Win32/WinCE Soundcard output component |
MIPYUV420FileInput | Read uncompressed YUV420P frames from a file |
MIPYUV420FrameCutter | Extracts a part of an YUV420P frame |