GRALE2: pygrale

GRALE is a project to allow you to simulate and invert gravitational lenses. The first generation of GRALE consisted of C++ libraries and an interactive program called GRALESHELL with which many useful commands could be executed without having to write a program yourself using the C++ libraries.

The new generation GRALE2 consists of a trimmed down set of core libraries that are still written in C++, together with Python bindings to provide the same functionality: pygrale. The idea is that the core code is still written in the fast low-level C++ language, but to make everything more easily useable and flexible, a Python interface is provided. The link between the C++ code and Python could be provided thanks to the Cython project.

This documentation is about the Python bindings only.


Continue to the Tutorial.


There are two scripts available to help you set up everything. The easiest way to install pygrale is in a conda environment of the Anaconda Python distribution, and the script is intended to set this up automatically. This should work on Linux, OS X and Windows.

The second one,, is Linux specific (may work on OS X but is untested) and is mainly intended to get pygrale working on a supercomputer, but you can also use this script to setup a Google Colab.

I’m very curious to see how well these scripts work, so feel free to contact me about your experiences with them (both failed and successful)!

For instructions on how to compile everything yourself, take a look at the GitHub page.

Setting up a Colab

Copy-paste and run this in a cell:

!apt install libgsl-dev
!apt install libopenmpi-dev
!apt install libcairo2-dev
!rm -f
!NOQT=1 NOVENV=1 bash -e ./ /usr/local/

This takes a few minutes, but if everything was successful you can try out pygrale in the Colab. An example can be found in this colab.

Setting up a conda environment with

I used to create ready-to-install packages, to allow one to run something like conda install pygrale, but maintaining these for three different platforms was not particularly interesting. This script is an alternative way to set up everything in a conda environment: it will install some packages, and build the rest from source.

The prerequisite is that you already have Anaconda installed, as well as git. For Windows, you also need to have the Visual Studio 2017 build tools (see also here for other links) installed.

The build procedure is slightly different for Windows and OS X/Linux.


To be able to compile the source code, you need to have the Visual Studio 2017 build tools mentioned above installed. It has to be that particular version, since we’ll be using the conda-forge packages, which use this version (see also this).

We’ll need to have a command prompt with these VS 2017 tools as well as the conda toolset, and to do this, go to your start menu and look for the x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS2017 (just start typing this). When you execute this, a command line prompt will appear, and we need to activate Anaconda python in this. You’ll need to know in which location you have installed this, and then type something like:


After this, the conda command should be recognized. Then, use the cd command to go to the path where the script is installed. This can be either the path to the git repository if you’ve cloned that, or alternatively the path in which you’ve downloaded that file from the repository:

cd \path\to\script\folder

Just executing the script with python will show you the instructions; it also mentions that you’ll need to have the VS 2017 build tools for example. As mentioned in the instructions, first create a conda environment in which everything GRALE related will be installed, something like:

conda create -n mypygrale -c conda-forge -y python=3.10

As you can see here, we’re specifying from the beginning that packages will be used from the conda-forge channel. When this is finished, activate that environment:

conda activate mypygrale

Then, decide on the directory where you want to store the downloaded source code (git clones) as well as the intermediate compilation files, and execute:

python c:\path\to\build\directory

If all goes well, this automatically clones the needed git repositories, compiles the source code with the VS 2017 build tools, and installs everything in the conda environment.

Once everything has been built, you don’t need to run the x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS2017 anymore to activate the environment. You can just start an Anaconda prompt from the start menu, and type conda activate mypygrale to make everything available.

Linux & OS X

After you’ve activated the Anaconda environment, so that the conda command is available, first create a new environment in which all things for GRALE will be installed:

conda create -n mypygrale -c conda-forge -y python=3.10

As you can see here, we’re specifying from the beginning that packages will be used from the conda-forge channel. When this is finished, activate that environment:

conda activate mypygrale

Use the cd command to go to the path where the script is installed. This can be either the path to the git repository if you’ve cloned that, or alternatively the path in which you’ve downloaded that file from the repository:

cd /path/to/script/folder

Then, decide on the directory where you want to store the downloaded source code (git clones) as well as the intermediate compilation files, and execute:

python /path/to/build/directory

This will start with installing extra packages in the conda environment, and you will notice that at a certain point it will ask you to deactivate and reactivate the conda environment. This is to make sure that the compiler tools that are installed as a conda package, will be set up correctly. After reactivating the conda environment as instructed, just start the script again in exactly the same way as before, and the process will continue where it left off.

If all goes well, this automatically clones the needed git repositories, compiles the source code, and installs everything in the conda environment.

Building with, e.g. on a supercomputer

The script is intended for a Linux based environment, although you might be able to use it on OS X as well. This does not make use of a conda environment, but will create a standard Python virtual environment (virtualenv), in which several other packages will be installed using pip, and in which the GRALE source code will be compiled and installed. To obtain the script, either clone the git repository, or download it directly from the script directory (and set the executable flag with chmod u+x

Other than Python itself, the following things need to be available:

Not really required to get something to work, but definitely needed if you want to use the compute resources from multiple nodes at the same time, is an MPI implementation.

On a supercomputer, you’ll typically need to activate these things using some module system. For example, on one cluster I need to perform the following commands to activate these ingredients:

module load Python/3.6.4-intel-2018a    # A recent Python interpreter
module load iimpi/2018a                 # The Intel compiler and Intel MPI tools
module load CMake/3.13.3
# git is available by default, no module needs to be loaded
module load GSL/2.4-GCCcore-6.4.0

On another, the following modules need to be loaded:

# A recent Python version is available by default
module load gcc/8.2.0                    # The GNU C/C++ compilers
module load cmake/3.10.2
# git is available by default, no module needs to be loaded
module load gsl/2.5
module load ompi/4.0.0/gnu-8.2.0-centos7 # The OpenMPI MPI implementation

The script takes one argument, a directory which will be used to set up the Python virtual environment in, as well as in which the source code will be downloaded and the compiled code will be installed, e.g.:

./ /path/to/new/virtualenv/directory

Some environment variables can be used to affect parts of the build process, for a complete overview just run without any arguments. We’ll explore some of them next. On one system, I needed to make sure that the Intel compiler was used, and running

export CC=icc
export CXX=icc

before executing the script made sure that this was the case. Similarly, on another system I needed to enforce that gcc and g++ were used as compilers, which could be done by first setting

export CC=gcc
export CXX=g++

Making the CMake build system detect the correct version of GSL sometimes also required some extra work. In one case, the correct GSL library directory needed to be specified, which can be done with the help of the gsl-config utility that comes with a GSL installation:

export CMAKE_EXTRA_OPTS="-DADDITIONAL_LIBRARIES_CORE=-L`gsl-config --prefix`/lib"

On another system, all the paths to the GSL include files and libraries needed to be specified explicitly:

export CMAKE_EXTRA_OPTS="-DGSL_INCLUDE_DIR=/path/to/gsl/include -DGSL_CBLAS_LIBRARY=/path/to/ -DGSL_LIBRARY=/path/to/"

By default, the build system will try to run as many things as possible in parallel, to speed up the process. If you’re running the script on a login node for example, that’s shared with other users, you may want to limit the number of parallel processes. This can be done with, e.g.:

export NUMCORES=4

The build script will try to detect if Qt5 is available, and if so, download the compatible Qt interface for Python (PyQt5). This is needed to run the GRALE Editor. Typically you don’t need this GUI program on the supercomputer however, just on your local machine. You can bypass this step entirely, even if Qt5 is detected, by setting:

export NOQT=1

When the script was able to successfully build everything, it ends with a line that shows you how to enable this Python environment with the GRALE tools installed, something like:

source /path/to/new/virtualenv/directory/bin/activategrale

Note that before running this, e.g. when logging on to the supercomputer again, or in a Slurm or TORQUE/PBS job description, you’ll need to load the same modules again (instead of the CMake one, that’s only needed for building the source code).

Let me know how it goes! I’d be happy to help out if you’re having problems.

Indices and tables