This is mostly for myself.
Starting ‘gaserver’ with gdb in a tmux session
To debug a rare crash that could be replicated by setting the random number generators to specific values, I needed to start the ‘gaserver’ process in a gdb debugging session. On a PC with a desktop and xterm, a similar approach as the ‘gdb’ inverter could be used (starts gdb in an xterm window), but on the cluster where I was working xterm was not available (and running xterm over an ssh tunnel is not all that fast). Fortunately tmux was available, and could be used in a similar way. I created a custom inverter, that started gdb using a wrapper script so that some additional modules could be loaded.
Here is the inverter code and the script. Note that a tmux session must be available, to best to start the python code in its own tmux session.
import time
import socket
import subprocess
import grale.privutil as privutil
class DBGLocalCSProcessInverter(inverters.Inverter):
def __init__(self, numProcesses = 1, feedbackObject = None, serverHelperDebugLevel = 0):
self.procs = [ ] # Do this eary, in case __del__ is called sooner than expected
numHelpers = numProcesses
if numHelpers < 1 or numHelpers > 256:
raise InverterException("The number of helper processes should be at least one, and at most 256")
# Obtain a port number to use, let's hope it will still be valid in a few seconds
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.bind(('', 0))
bindIp, serverPort = s.getsockname()
del s
super(DBGLocalCSProcessInverter, self).__init__([ "grale_invert_clientserver", "", str(serverPort) ],
"Local client-server ({} helpers)".format(numHelpers),
n = inversion._getModuleName("general")
moduleDir = inversion._getModuleDirectory(n)
p = subprocess.Popen([
"tmux", "new-window",
"/path/to/ gaserver -ex 'set args {} {} {}' -ex run".format(0, serverPort, moduleDir)
time.sleep(10) # wait a short while before starting to connect the helpers
for i in range(numHelpers):
p = subprocess.Popen(["gahelper", str(serverHelperDebugLevel), "", str(serverPort), moduleDir ])
time.sleep(0.5) # Wait a short while so that all helpers are completely detected
def destroy(self):
"""Stops the ``gaserver`` and ``gahelper`` programs."""
for proc in self.procs:
privutil.terminateProcess(proc, feedbackObject =
except Exception as e:
print("Ignoring exception when terminating gaserver or gahelper: " + str(e))
self.procs = []
def __del__(self):
#!/bin/bash -l
# Used this on my own machine, needed to activate a conda environment
# before running gdb
# source ~/anaconda3-2019.03/bin/activate/grale2
# On the cluster, several modules needed to be loaded, and gdb turned
# out not to be present on the actual nodes (was available on login
# node though), so I copied it to my own directory.
# The seed environment variable needed to be set again, as this script
# essentially starts a new login session.
echo "Loading modules"
module load GSL/2.4-GCCcore-6.4.0
module load iimpi/2018a
module load Python/3.6.4-intel-2018a
source $VSC_DATA/ThinKing/PyGraleIntelDBG/bin/activate
echo "Starting gdb"
export GRALE_DEBUG_SEED=1583449945
$VSC_DATA/gdb "$@"
echo "Sleeping"