
This module contains functions to create a subdivision grid that’s used in the lens inversion procedure. Apart from a uniformly subdivided grid, it is also possible to lay out the grid based on some kind of density map, using a finer subdivision where the integrated density is higher. This density could be the projected mass density of a gravitational lens, or even the observed light distribution in a FITS file.

Examples for how these functions can be used, can be found in the notebooks gridtests.ipynb and fittest.ipynb.

grale.grid.createUniformGrid(size, center, axisSubDivisions, excludeFunction=None)

Creates a uniform grid, centered on the X,Y coordinates in center and with width and height specified by size. The generated grid will be have axisSubDivisions cells in X and Y directions.

If excludeFunction is specified, for each grid cell it will be called as excludeFunction(cellCenter, cellSize), and if the function returns True then that particular cell will not be included in the final grid.

grale.grid.createSubdivisionGridForFunction(targetDensityFunction, size, center, minSquares, maxSquares, startSubDiv=1, excludeFunction=<function <lambda>>, maxIntegrationSubDiv=256, keepLarger=False)

Creates a grid of which the cell density is based on the values provided by a function f, and do the refinement in such a way that the resulting number of grid cells is within the specified bounds. This is the core function that’s used by createSubdivisionGrid() and createSubdivisionGridForFITS(), which themselves may me more straightforward to use for specific purposes.


  • targetDensityFunction: a function which will be called with a (Ny,Nx,2) shaped NumPy array, describing X,Y coordinates on a 2D grid. The function must return an (Ny, Nx) shaped NumPy array containing the densities at the specified coordinates. Note that because the algorithm below will numerically integrate cells in the grid, it is probably not a good idea to let this function return negative values.

  • size and center: specifies the center X,Y coordinates of the grid, as well as the grid’s width and height.

  • minSquares and maxSquares: stop looking for the required grid refinement when the total number of grid cells lies between these values.

  • startSubDiv: by default, a single, large grid cell will be subdivided until the required refinement has been reached. By setting this option to 5 for example, you’d start from a uniform 5x5 grid, of which each cell will be refined further.

  • excludeFunction: if specified, for each grid cell it will be called as excludeFunction(cellCenter, cellSize), and if the function returns True then that particular cell will not be included in the final grid.

  • maxIntegrationSubDiv: to determine if a cell needs to be subdivided, the algorithm will integrate the contents numerically. This number specifies the maximum number of parts that are used for the entire size range. Smaller cells will be subdivided in fewer parts according to their size.

  • keepLarger: if True, after subdividing a grid cell, the original cell will also be kept in the list of cells.

Refinement algorithm: in a helper routine, each cell will be split into four smaller cells whenever the integrated value of the cell exceeds some threshold. The main function then iteratively looks for an appropriate threshold, so that the final number of cells lies within the desired bounds.

grale.grid.createSubdivisionGridForFITS(fitsHDUEntry, centerRaDec, gridSize, gridCenter, minSquares, maxSquares, startSubDiv=1, excludeFunction=None, maxIntegrationSubDiv=256, keepLarger=False, ignoreOffset=True, useAbsoluteValues=True)

Creates a subdivision grid that’s based on an entry of a FITS file. It calls createSubdivisionGridForFunction() internally, where you can find the explanation of the algorithm used.


  • fitsHDUEntry: the FITS entry on which the subdivision grid should be based

  • centerRaDec: use these RA,Dec coordinates to recalculate the coordinates in the FITS file, i.e. that specific point will be associated to the new (0,0) coordinate.

  • gridSize: the width and height of the grid, will be used as the size parameter in createSubdivisionGridForFunction()

  • gridCenter: the center of the grid in the re-centered coordinates. Will be used as the center parameter in createSubdivisionGridForFunction().

  • minSquares, maxSquares, startSubDiv, excludeFunction, maxIntegrationSubDiv, keepLarger: see createSubdivisionGridForFunction()

  • ignoreOffset: adds or subtracts a value from the data so that the minimum value becomes zero.

  • useAbsoluteValues: set to False to allow negative values (probably not a good idea).

grale.grid.createSubdivisionGrid(size, center, lensInfo, minSquares, maxSquares, startSubDiv=1, excludeFunction=<function <lambda>>, maxIntegrationSubDiv=256, keepLarger=False, ignoreOffset=True, useAbsoluteValues=True)

Creates a subdivision grid that’s based on the specified gravitational lens information. Internally, the function createSubdivisionGridForFunction() is called, where you can find the explanation of the algorithm used.


  • size: the width and height of the grid, will be used as the size parameter in createSubdivisionGridForFunction()

  • center: the center of the grid in the re-centered coordinates. Will be used as the center parameter in createSubdivisionGridForFunction().

  • lensInfo: information about the gravitational lens, see LensInfo (or DensInfo).

  • minSquares, maxSquares, startSubDiv, excludeFunction, maxIntegrationSubDiv, keepLarger: see createSubdivisionGridForFunction()

  • ignoreOffset: adds or subtracts a value from the data so that the minimum value becomes zero.

  • useAbsoluteValues: set to False to allow negative values (probably not a good idea).


Transforms the specified grid, which uses a grid center and fractional sizes and centers for the cells, to a straighforward list of cells, each having a regular center and size.

grale.grid.fitMultiplePlummerLens(gridCells, Dd, targetDensityFunction, sizeFactor=1.7)

Fits a mass distribution based on multiple Plummer base functions that are arranged according to specified grid cells, to a specific target function. For each cell, the center of the cell and the centers of each side will be used to evaluate the target function. A least squares approach is then used to find the weigths of the basis functions that minimize the differences at these points.

The function returns an instance of the MultiplePlummerLens class.

Examples can be found in the notebook fittest.ipynb.


  • gridCells: the grid to base the layout of the Plummer basis functions on

  • Dd: the angular diameter distance to be used when creating the MultiplePlummerLens instance.

  • targetDensityFunction: a function which will be called with a (Ny,Nx,2) shaped NumPy array, describing X,Y coordinates on a 2D grid. The function must return an (Ny, Nx) shaped NumPy array containing the densities at the specified coordinates. Note that because the algorithm below will numerically integrate cells in the grid, it is probably not a good idea to let this function return negative values.

  • sizeFactor: a factor to be used to convert the size of a grid cell to the width of the Plummer basis function. For a cell with a size of 1 arcsec, a Plummer width of 1.7 arcsec will be used.

exception grale.grid.GridException

An exception that’s generated when something goes wrong with the grid creation.