DBLP Bibliography - Google Scholar
Raf Menten, Gustavo Rovelo Ruiz, Davy Vanacken, 2024NexOz - A Wizard of Oz Approach to Facilitate the Integration of AI in Interactive SystemsInWorkshop on Engineering Interactive Systems Embedding AI Technologies (EICS '24)[link]
Kris Luyten, Gilles Eerlings, Jori Liesenborgs, Gustavo Rovelo Ruiz, Sebe Vanbrabant, Davy Vanacken, 2024Opportunities and Challenges of Model Multiplicity in Interactive Software SystemsInWorkshop on Engineering Interactive Systems Embedding AI Technologies (EICS '24)[link]
Kris Aerts, Kris Luyten, Ronald Thoelen, Davy Vanacken, 2024Conception, Approval and First Evaluation of a New Master's Program Engineering Technology: Software Systems (Informatics) in BelgiumInProceedings of the ICT and Electronics Convention (MIPRO '24), IEEE [link]
Bram van Deurzen, Gustavo Rovelo Ruiz, Daniël Bot, Davy Vanacken, Kris Luyten, 2024Substitute Buttons: Exploring Tactile Perception of Physical Buttons for Use as Haptic ProxiesIn3D User Interfaces and Virtual Reality (special issue of Multimodal Technologies and Interaction), 8:3, MDPI [link]
Bram van Deurzen, Maria Hendrickx, Davy Vanacken, Kris Luyten, 2022Ergonomic Feedback and Posture Improvement Interfaces for Long-Term Sustainable WorkInWorkshop on HCI and Worker Well-Being in Manufacturing Industry (AVI '22)[link]
Sven Coppers, Davy Vanacken, Kris Luyten, 2022FortClash: Predicting and Mediating Unintended Behavior in Home AutomationInProceedings of the ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems (EICS '22), 6:154, ACM [link]
Bram van Deurzen, Patrik Goorts, Tom De Weyer, Davy Vanacken, Kris Luyten, 2021HapticPanel: An Open System to Render Haptic Interfaces in Virtual Reality for Manufacturing IndustryInProceedings of the ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST '21), article 75, p. 1-3, ACM [link]
David Navarre, Philippe Palanque, Sven Coppers, Kris Luyten, Davy Vanacken, 2021Model-based Engineering of Feedforward Usability Function for GUI WidgetsInInteracting with Computers, 33:1, p. 73-91, Oxford University Press [link]
Sven Coppers, Davy Vanacken, Kris Luyten, 2020FORTNIoT: Intelligible Predictions to Improve User Understanding of Smart Home BehaviorInProceedings of ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (UbiComp - IMWUT '20), 4:4, ACM [link]
Florian Heller, Davy Vanacken, Eva Geurts, Kris Luyten, 2020Impact of Situational Impairment on Interaction with Wearable DisplaysInExtended Abstracts of the Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services (MobileHCI '20), ACM [link]
Jeroen Ceyssens, Sven Coppers, Davy Vanacken, 2020Towards Traceable Design Rationale in Augmented RealityInExtended Abstracts of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '20), ACM [link]
David Navarre, Philippe Palanque, Sven Coppers, Kris Luyten, Davy Vanacken, 2020Fortune Nets for Fortunettes: Formal, Petri nets-based Engineering of Feedforward for GUI WidgetsInFormal Methods (Lecture Notes in Computer Science), p. 503-519, Springer [link]
Marisela Gutierrez Lopez, Kris Luyten, Davy Vanacken, Karin Coninx, 2018Exploring the Role of Artefacts to Coordinate Design MeetingsInJournal of Interaction Science (JoIS), 6:2, SpringerOpen [link]
Marisela Gutierrez Lopez, Kris Luyten, Davy Vanacken, Karin Coninx, 2017Untangling Design Meetings: Artefacts as Input and Output of Design ActivitiesInProceedings of the Conference of the European Association of Cognitive Ergonomics (ECCE '17), p. 176-183, ACM [link]
Mieke Haesen, Davy Vanacken, Kris Luyten, Karin Coninx, 2016Storyboards as a Lingua Franca in Multidisciplinary Design TeamsInCollaboration in Creative Design: Methods and Tools (Human-Computer Interaction Series), p. 211-231, Springer [link]
Kris Luyten, Donald Degraen, Gustavo Rovelo Ruiz, Sven Coppers, Davy Vanacken, 2016Hidden in Plain Sight: an Exploration of a Visual Language for Near-Eye Out-of-Focus Displays in the Peripheral ViewInProceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '16), p. 487-497, ACM [link] [video]
Gustavo Rovelo, Donald Degraen, Davy Vanacken, Kris Luyten, Karin Coninx, 2015Gestu-Wan - An Intelligible Mid-Air Gesture Guidance System for Walk-up-and-Use DisplaysInProceedings of the IFIP TC.13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (INTERACT '15), p. 368-386, Springer [link] [video]
Fredy Cuenca, Karin Coninx, Davy Vanacken, Kris Luyten, 2015Graphical Toolkits for Rapid Prototyping of Multimodal Systems: A SurveyInInteracting with Computers, 27:4, p. 470-488, Oxford University Press [link]
Davy Vanacken, Anastasiia Beznosyk, Karin Coninx, 2014Help Systems for Gestural Interfaces and their Effect on Collaboration and CommunicationInGesture-based Interaction Design: Communication and Cognition Workshop (CHI '14)[link]
Fredy Cuenca, Davy Vanacken, Karin Coninx, Kris Luyten, 2013Assessing the Support Provided by a Toolkit for Rapid Prototyping of Multimodal SystemsInProceedings of the ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems (EICS '13), p. 307-312, ACM [link]
Davy Vanacken, Kris Luyten, Karin Coninx, Maarten Cardinaels, 2011The Organic Presentation ToolInCreate '11 Symposium[link]
Davy Vanacken, Kris Luyten, Karin Coninx, 2009TouchGhosts: Guides for Improving Visibility of Multi-Touch InteractionInMultitouch and Surface Computing Workshop (CHI '09)[link]
Davy Vanacken, 2008Interactive Workspaces: Multi-user, Multi-touch, Multi-deviceInDoctoral Colloquium of the ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW '08), ACM [link]
Davy Vanacken, Alexandre Demeure, Kris Luyten, Karin Coninx, 2008Ghosts in the Interface: Meta-user Interface Visualizations as Guides for Multi-touch InteractionInProceedings of the IEEE International Workshop on Horizontal Interactive Human Computer Systems (TABLETOP '08), p. 81-84, IEEE [link] [video]
Joan De Boeck, Davy Vanacken, Chris Raymaekers, Karin Coninx, 2007High-Level Modeling of Multimodal Interaction Techniques Using NiMMiTInJournal of Virtual Reality and Broadcasting, 4:2 [link]
Davy Vanacken, Chris Raymaekers, Kris Luyten, Karin Coninx, 2007Focus+Roles: Socio-Organizational Conflict Resolution in Collaborative User InterfacesInProceedings of the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI International '07), p. 788-796, Springer [link]
Davy Vanacken, Joan De Boeck, Chris Raymaekers, Karin Coninx, 2006NiMMiT: a Notation for Modeling Multimodal Interaction TechniquesInProceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (GRAPP '06), p. 224-231, INSTICC [link]
PhD dissertation
Davy Vanacken (promotor: Prof. Dr. Karin Coninx, co-promotor: Prof. Dr. Kris Luyten)Touch-based Interaction and Collaboration in Walk-up-and-use and Multi-user EnvironmentsDefended November 29, 2012, Expertise Centre for Digital Media, Hasselt University. [link]
PhD juries, committees and honorary doctorates
PhD promotor of Sebe Vanbrabant (co-promotor: Prof. Dr. Gustavo Rovelo Ruiz)Personalized, Intelligible User Interfaces through Human-in-the-Loop Generative AI
PhD committee of Joni Vanherck (promotor: Prof. Dr. Nick Michiels)Improving Projection-Based Augmented Reality
PhD committee of Bram van Deurzen (promotor: Prof. Dr. Kris Luyten)Interface Clarity in Human-Robot Interaction across Physical and Virtual Realities
Honorary doctorate promotor of Prof. Dr. Joëlle Coutaz (co-promotor: Prof. Dr. Nick Michiels)Awarded May 28, 2024, Faculty of Engineering Technology, Hasselt University
PhD committee of Rosa Lilia Segundo Díaz (promotor: Prof. Dr. Karin Coninx)Juegos del español – Iterative Design, Evaluation and Implementation of Games with a Purpose to Enhance Parts-of-Speech Tagging in a Corpus of European Spanish DialectsDefended April 2024, Human-Computer Interaction and eHealth, Hasselt University and Ghent University
PhD co-promotor of Sven Coppers (promotor: Prof. Dr. Kris Luyten)Intelligibility and Control for Context-Aware IoT ApplicationsDefended September 2021, Expertise Centre for Digital Media, Hasselt University
PhD committee and jury of Marisela Gutierrez Lopez (promotor: Prof. Dr. Karin Coninx)Techniques and Artefacts for Documenting Design Rationale Among Multidisciplinary Design TeamsDefended March 2018, Expertise Centre for Digital Media, Hasselt University
PhD jury of Fredy Cuenca Lucero (promotor: Prof. Dr. Karin Coninx)Towards a composite event-based language for describing multimodal interactionsDefended February 2016, Expertise Centre for Digital Media, Hasselt University
Workshops organized
Florian Echtler, Dietrich Kammer, Davy Vanacken, Lode Hoste, Beat SignerEngineering Gestures for Multimodal InterfacesWorkshop ofthe ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems (EICS '14), June 17, 2014, Rome, Italy [link]
Kris Luyten, Davy Vanacken, Malte Weiss, Jan Borchers, Miguel NacentaEngineering Patterns for Multi-Touch InterfacesWorkshop ofthe ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems (EICS '11), June 13, 2011, Pisa, Italy [link]
Kris Luyten, Davy Vanacken, Malte Weiss, Jan Borchers, Shahram Izadi, Daniel WigdorEngineering Patterns for Multi-Touch InterfacesWorkshop ofthe ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems (EICS '10), June 20, 2010, Berlin, Germany [link]